Back in 2022, we got to take a cruise with our good friends Drew & Courtney. This was during the height of COVID’s Omicron wave, which spooked most people away from taking cruises. It did not spook us, though… and we were one of 343 lucky passengers (who had passed their COVID tests) aboard a Disney cruise ship meant for 2,400 passengers. Needless to say, by the end of the cruise, the staff all knew us.
Drew has graciously given me permission to publish this blog post. (Courtney–if you’re reading this, I hope you approve, and if not, I’m graciously sorry.)
One brief warning…

Without further ado…
🇲🇽 Wednesday, January 26th, 2022 🇲🇽
I woke up at about 5:30 AM. I slept pretty well but I had wanted to sleep longer. I wasn’t able to get back to sleep, so I got up and worked on getting caught up on the previous day’s trip journals. There was much work to be done.
After getting showered up, I pulled out my laptop and went out on the balcony and started working on my journaling effort while waiting for the sunrise. It is always so relaxing to work on the trip journal when sitting on the balcony, watching the sunrise… The sound of our ship cutting the ocean as we pass through it really helps get the creative juices flowing.
We were on the left side (port) of the ship, and as we were heading South, the sunrise would be on our side of the ship. Sadly, the sunrise was not fantastic due to the fact that there was good cloud cover on the horizon. Here’s the best I could do.:

As I was journaling, Drew came out of his room and joined me on the balcony. He proceeded to tell me one hell of a tale (as he is wont to do). Eventually, I pulled Alicia in from the room so she could enjoy the tale as well. Alicia and I were both disappointed, though–as was I–as she (nor I) did not have the opportunity to see it in person.
According to Drew, last night was one for the books. After texting us goodnight, he overate, got sick, and promptly decided appetizers sounded like a good idea. By 10 PM, both he and Courtney were wide awake and headed to the “Match Your Mate” game.
The audience was lively. Among the attendees at the game was our nemesis from Bingo yesterday–Dory. Yesterday, Dory won a round of bingo AND a $200 EFFY gift certificate. Actually, her name is “Dorian,” but we started calling her Dory—like “Finding Nemo,” and not in a flattering way.
Let me pause here to acquaint the reader with three reoccurring characters from this cruise. On every cruise I’ve taken, I always manage to see a few people only once, while simultaneously seeing a few people all the time. This cruise–even with 343 people–has been no different.
Dory is one of those people. She’s tall, has dark hair, probably in her late 20’s, and has an athletic build. She looks like she plays volleyball or basketball. She appears to be traveling with a couple of other girls, but she seems to be the “main” person in her group. The two other girls with her are shorter–one with blonde hair, and one with dark hair. We’ve started calling these two women her “henchmen.” Her winnings at Bingo has caused her to become a nemesis of our group.
Another one of our “cruise nemeses” are the “Swing Kings”, who we first encountered on embarkation day. They are a heavy-set couple, one man of (at least partially) asian descent, and an even more heavy set woman with a super light complexion.
The third “nemesis” (or, perhaps, “cruise villain”) who we keep running into is another couple–the man of the couple much less notable than his lady companion. The man is probably in his mid to late 40’s, white, tall, and relatively unremarkable. Alicia’s description of him is that he looked like he should be Ukrainian scientist and work in a lab somewhere—mostly boring and unremarkable.
However, the woman he was with was an Asian woman who was probably 15 years younger than him, which was honestly kind of gross. We weren’t sure if she was actually 15 years younger, or if she just appeared that way due to her immature actions, especially with Mickey. She was petite, looked like a Japanese tourist, and was obsessed with Mickey Mouse. She carried a small, plush Micky Mouse Nuimo with her wherever she went. When she would encounter Mickey, she would audibly squeal. So weird. The most ironic part is that the guy she’s with appears to totally not be into it at all. How strange.
Alicia has helped to build up this whole little competitive storyline in her head. It’s pretty hilarious.
Anyhow, back to the main point–the honeymooner’s game. Drew was telling me about their experience at the “Match Your Mate” game. Dory–perhaps our favorite “villain”–was there. The premise of the game was standard–try and guess how your “mate” would answer the question being asked, and answer it. Then, the answers are compared on stage for the enjoyment of all. The show began–as per usual–with them asking for volunteers to come on stage and play the game and be a part of the show. They asked for a newlywed couple, and a black couple who had been married for a year volunteered. They asked for a married couple, and an older couple (late 50’s / early 60’s, I think) volunteered. They then asked for a “fun couple,” which Dory and one of her henchmen—and apparently her romantic partner—volunteered for.
Of course, Drew & Courtney also volunteered to get on the show—and they were selected. Wow… I contend that this selection was very wise on behalf of Disney Cruise Line.
The game used standard rules–basically, couples would be asked intimate questions that their spouse should know the answers to. They would ask each member of each couple a question, have them record their responses, and compare their responses to the actual response given by their partner. The couple who had the most matches would win a bottle of Prosecco.
The first question they asked was “Name a movie that describes your mate.” Courtney was asked this question about Drew, to which she responded, “Crazy, Stupid, Love.”
As for Drew’s response? “Gone in Sixty Seconds.”
Off to a bad start… 😬
The second question was “Without counting your phone / camera / electronic device, what is the first thing that your partner touches when they wake up?”
This was asked to Courtney about Drew. Courtney told them that he touches “his weiner.”
As Drew recounted this to me, he paused and commented to me, “She said ‘weiner’ like we were f**king sixteen.”
Drew’s answer to the question was “I smack dat ass!” 😬😬
At this point, they were down by two, but the audience was, of course, quite into their responses.
The third question posed to each couple was “If you have a parrot in your room, and it could say one repeated phrase, what would that phrase likely be?” When the black couple was asked, the answer-ee hesitantly responded with “Can I say this? I think I can say this? … ‘My n***a.’”
The couple got that one right.
One of the older couple responded to this parrot question with “Will you hurry up and finish already?” (I’m not sure if they got that point or not…)
This question was posed to Courtney about Drew, and the answer she came up with was “Can I get a hoooooo yeeeeeeaaaahhh?”
…which matched Drew’s answer. Score one for Drew and Courtney!
The fourth question was “choose one of the following songs to describe your relationship. Despite “it’s a small world” being an option, everyone chose “A Whole New World,” and everyone got it right.
The fifth question posed to each group was “What is the craziest place you’ve ever ‘made magic?’” Of course, this was the classic “weirdest place you’ve ever made whoopee” question—a necessary fixture of any honeymooners game. Courtney was asked this question, and she responded “Universal Studios.”
When Drew was asked, he responded with, “Uhh… I don’t remember half of the places that we’ve done it. I don’t know–a car?”
When pressed for more detail, he said, “My mom’s car?” This elicited a great reaction from the audience. Boy, do I wish I could have been there to experience it.
The older couple gave an interesting response to this one. Apparently, the husband made use of a boulder off of a trail in the Rocky Mountains and “Made some bears jealous that day.” Oh MY. 😳
Drew commented as he told the story, “Hey–THAT’S NOT A BALD EAGLE!”
As Drew told us the story, the clock hit 8:30 AM, which is the time that we were supposed to be able to join the virtual queue to get to the gangway of the ship for our day in Cozumel. But, the Disney Cruise Line app wouldn’t let us. We weren’t sure if this was due to the fact that Disney is terrible at software for Virtual Queues (which we feared) or that there were so few people on the ship that they were just opening the gangway for everyone (which we hoped for.)
We ultimately left the room at 8:50 AM and went up to Shutters for breakfast. As we arrived on the buffet line, Rumen from Bulgaria (our assistant waiter from the dining room) was the first person we encountered on the breakfast line. (Our waiter, Lodion from Jamaica, was not there.) We said hi to him before grabbing breakfast and grabbing our normal table, which was in the stern of the dining room, in the starboard side of the craft, in a round part of the dining room that jets out over the decks below, providing a nice, panoramic view of the area outside. We could see Playa Del Carmen from our table, and pointed it out to Drew & Courtney. It was decidedly warmer now than it was when we got on the ship.
Breakfast was good (again, we think that Cabana’s is a little better than the Lido buffet on the Carnival ships, but honestly, only by a hair). When we were done, we returned to the room to pick our stuff up. We then proceeded down to the gangway to see if they’d turn us away.
They did not, though it was a bit of a challenge to navigate the 1st floor of the ship to get to the gangway. We had to go through a door that suggested we were going into the medical office onboard the ship to get to the gangway. We had a cast member direct us accordingly.
When we arrived on the gangway, no one else was around. It was just Alicia and I getting off the ship–no wait, no problem. They also did not have a gangway picture setup, which was disappointing. (I don’t know if Disney just doesn’t do them, or if this is a “COVID”-era “feature.”)
We made our way down the port, taking selfies with the ship and on the port as we walked.

We didn’t have a shopping map, so we kind of went by our memory of walking around the area in 2009. The port had been built up a bit, but most of the area seemed to be about the same. We discussed taking a taxi to the port over by all the other cruise ships (as I had read that there was some good shopping in that area) but decided against it and focused on the area just north of our port, “Punta Langosta.” (At GPS Coordinates 20.50759, -86.95517).

During our “solo” time in port, we shopped at:
- Diamonds International, right by the port. They had some relatively good deals on Breitlings, but they were all still multiple thousands of dollars.
- Ultrajewels – They had a bunch of brands (including David Yurman), and a better selection than Diamonds International, but we still didn’t get anything.
- Some place called “Palma,” (Av.Rafael Melgar, No:101 Downtown 77600 San Miguel de Cozumel Q.R MX, Local #1, entre Calle 1 Sur & A.R.Salas, San Miguel de Cozumel, Mexico) which had a bunch of brands–Mont Blanc, Lacoste, Breitling, Cartier, etc.
- Diamonds International again, this time, the one immediately adjacent to Benito Juarez Park (Avenidad Rafael Melgar Entre 1era y, Av Lic Benito Juárez, 77600 San Miguel de Cozumel, Q.R., Mexico), which is kind of the center of town. There, we purchased a Maralago ring that matched the rest of Alicia’s Maralago set. We thought about getting her a bracelet, but we felt it was too expensive. They tried to cut us a deal for getting both (about $800 for the set), but we decided against getting it. As we completed our purchase, the sales lady gave us each free, small, frozen strawberry margaritas. They had a couple of even more tempting Breitling (including a Colt for just over $2500), but I decided to pass. I don’t need to be spending that kind of money…

- Flea Market. In the flea market, we encountered a bunch of aggressive Mexican salespeople, pushing their stands. The first was a guy who took us into his store and tried to sell us a bottle of Almond-flavored Tequila. He offered the bottle for $50, then $40, and as I refused a last time as I was leaving, $35. Nearby, we found another store where there were little dresses for babies. There, Alicia got Allison a white dress with purple flowers for Allison (and talked them down on price a little bit using her Spanish skills.) I was half expecting to turn around and encounter the guy with the bottle of almond flavored tequila, offering me a slick deal of only $30.
We discussed the possibility of getting more jewelry / watches / etc as we walked around Cozumel, but decided against it. We just didn’t see anything that was really calling out to us and figured we’d rather save the money. After walking through the flea market, we found ourselves in Benito Juarez square at noon.

When the clock in the square struck noon, the clock started to play Ave Maria, which was a nice touch.
Walking around a little more, we saw a big mural on the side of a building near a parking lot and took a selfie with it.

We started taking more pictures as we walked along the shoreline. There was a shipwreck off the coast that an artist had fully painted and decorated. I shot pictures of it as Alicia explored the coast. She found crab shells, hermit crabs, and other wildlife as I took pictures of the boat. She kept a couple of shells from the beach.

We eventually passed a Del Sol location (Av. Rafael E. Melgar 33, Centro, 77600 San Miguel de Cozumel, Q.R., Mexico), which we stuck our head into, and were invited to visit the adjacent Cariloha store (Avenida Rafael E. Melgar entre calle Benito Juárez, Calle 2 Nte y, Centro, 77600 San Miguel de Cozumel, Q.R., Mexico), where we encountered a very strong-willed sales lady. We eventually got her to let us leave the store, and we went to a nearby souvenir shop (Cozumel Island Souvenirs, Av. Rafael E. Melgar 1662, Centro, 77600 San Miguel de Cozumel, Q.R., Mexico) where we purchased a sombrero for Andrew, a drum / noisemaker for Andrew, and took advantage of their pharmacy section. There, we purchased a Z Pack, a big bottle of amoxicillin, and 3 packs Ivermectin. I figured the lattermost would be good to have on hand in case we were to get hit with a particularly bad case of COVID, given how hard and expensive it was to get the pills in the United States.
We were starting to get hangry as we left Cozumel Island Souvenirs, so we went to a nearby restaurant (Palermas – Ultramar, Av. Rafael E. Melgar 1, Centro, 77600 San Miguel de Cozumel, Q.R., Mexico) for lunch. There, Alicia and I got strawberry margaritas & an order of beef fajitas which we split. It was good and came with a lot of veggies. The only “Fixin’s” provided to us to add to the fajitas was a plate of guacamole and a cup of pico, served before the meal (like salsa). The fajitas were really good.
I took a motion time lapse from our table as we ate our meal. It started to rain as we finished up our meal at 1:26 PM. As we were waiting for the rain to subside, a young boy rode up to the restaurant on a small bicycle. The restaurant was covered, but the walls were not solid–the area we were sitting in was more of a covered patio. The boy took advantage of this design of the restaurant and tried to place a “flower” made from a palm leaf in front of her, begging for money. Alicia told him no, but he left the flower in defiance, trying to force Alicia to give him a tip. He eventually found another black woman sitting a few tables away from us who gave him money for pushing one of his palms on her. Eventually, I saw his mom meet up with him, as I’m sure she was in on the scam.
After finishing up lunch, we packed our stuff up and walked back to the port. I took a number of pictures of the boat, Alicia, and a few selfies as we made our way back to the boat, along the coast of Cozumel.

We had arranged a meeting point with Drew and Courtney at 2 PM back out by the cruise terminal. We got back just in time (and had to present our ship cards to do so). Once we were back, we ended up having to wait about 10 minutes to meet up with Drew & Courtney. (Their excursion had just ended, and they had to go back to the ship in order to “check back out” and explore the port at their leisure.)
Drew related their excursion experience to us–Drew gets nervous about water and being underwater, but was proud to say that he made it 20 minutes underwater doing the Snuba excursion that Courtney had selected. He eventually got too nervous to continue, though, and went back to the surface as he had an issue with his helmet where it kept filling with water. Apparently the 70 pound helmet didn’t seal water out and air in so well… Both Drew & Courtney passed on doing the snorkeling part of the excursion and instead had a margarita at the bar by where they were doing their excursion.
After meeting up with Drew & Courtney, we did some shopping at the port shops. We found Drew a couple of ceramic skulls (calavera skulls) decorated with Buffalo Bills logos which were pretty awesome. (He bought a smaller and a larger one), and we found Allison a couple more dresses. We also got a table runner and a wooden shark toy (“tiburón”) for Andrew. 🦈
After scoping out those shops, we made our way over to a nearby grocery store – “Mega” – located at 20.505527 N, 86.956506 W. Alicia went in with Drew and Courtney. I started to accompany them inside the store, but was told that we’d need to check our bags prior to entry. I volunteered to take everyone’s bag and wait out front. Alicia managed to spend $11 and get 12 beers (6 Modelo and 6 Pacifico) and a couple of Topo Chicos for us to drink as we walked back to the port. We took a selfie with Drew and Courtney with the mural painted out in front of the Mega supermarket.

It was spitting rain on us as we walked back to the port. However, it seemed like with every step I took, It continued to rain specifically on the back of my right leg. This seemed odd to me, but I didn’t think much of it–I was more concerned with getting back to the port safely through an area that appeared to be a bit more “off the beaten path” and “rough around the edges.” Once we got back into the port shopping area and we were in a covered area, I noticed that it still felt like it was raining on the back of my right leg, somewhere around my knee.
Looking down at my knee, I could see that one of the 6-pack of Pacificos had a pinhole in the can, and it was leaking all over the back of my leg. We weren’t sure where the hell the pinhole came from, we we could clearly see that the can was almost completely empty. I opened up the beer and drank the remaining beer left in the can. Alicia and I then took one more selfie with a colorful Cozumel sign next to the Diamonds International location at the port before meeting back up with Drew and Courtney (who were still shopping) and went back to the ship.

We were back aboard at 3:34 PM. All aboard was 4:45 PM, so we had some time before we would be on our way back to Texas. When we returned to our room, we found red “Pirates of the Caribbean” bandanas in our room, indicative that tonight would be the night of the oft-storied Disney Cruise Line event of “Pirate Night.” Alicia and I took our turns in the shower and got cleaned up. (I smelled like a bar with all of the beer on my shorts & leg.) I was able to get ready more quickly than she was able to, as she was putting on her full “Captain Hook” costume. I let her get ready while I met up with Drew and Courtney. All three of us went to the Pirate Trivia event in the Azure lounge that was to start at 4:30 PM.
We were the only family to show up to the trivia. We all decided to play individually, though I had no idea of most of the answers. The trivia wasn’t “Pirate Trivia,” but rather “Pirates of the Caribbean” trivia, but focused on the movies and not the ride. (There was only 1 question out of approximately 20 which was related to the ride, and I got it right–“What year did Pirates of the Caribbean first open?” The answer was 1967.)
Luckily, the trivia was multiple choice. Courtney won, which didn’t surprise me because she’s the movie buff of the group. I came in second, followed by Drew in third. As we were wrapping up our trivia experience, Alicia came and met up with us in the lounge. She didn’t play, but as we were the only family to show up for pirate trivia, all four of us were given “winners” metals. This was a participation trophy for 3 of us (Courtney won fair and square), but made me feel a little better about losing the Theme Park Trivia yesterday. We really should have won that.
Right as we were wrapping up at trivia, pirate Chip & Dale came to pay us a visit. I managed to snag a strictly forbidden no-mask selfie with them. I didn’t think I was doing anything wrong at the time (as I had a drink on the table in front of me) but was scolded about not wearing a mask for the photo, along with everyone else at the table. (Disney has been super strict about taking pictures with characters, refusing to let anyone take a picture with a character without a mask on–even outdoors in the middle of the deck. Absurd.). I was happy for the one unmasked picture I was able to snag.

The ship started to leave Cozumel as we walked out of the Azure lounge at 4:55 PM. We walked around the ship a little bit and took masked pictures with Pirate Goofy & Pirate Stitch. There was a Frozen show scheduled soon to start in the Walt Disney Theater at 5:30 PM (lasting until 6:10 PM) which Drew and Courtney wanted to go see, but Alicia and I were lukewarm on the idea–opting instead to shoot for the second round of theme park trivia scheduled in the D lounge at 6:00 PM. After taking our pictures with Goofy & Stitch, we let Drew go get ready for the show while Alicia and I went to get some snacks at the burger stand on the Lido deck. We brought our snacks back to the room while Drew and Courtney went to the Frozen show at 5:30 PM, and went to the theme park trivia as we had planned.
We arrived a bit early in the D lounge for Theme Park Trivia. As we sat in our chair, an older couple arrived and sat on the opposite side of the room from us. We got a text from Courtney saying that they were at the Frozen show, but the show had abruptly stopped, due to “technical difficulties.” Yikes… eventually, they left the show (as they were unable to restart it) and joined us in the D lounge and took us on for theme park trivia.
There were 20 questions asked in the trivia match, and they were decidedly more challenging than the questions asked in the first Theme Park Trivia event. I think the hardest question they asked (for which I had no idea of the answer) was “What was the name of the original waterski show that debuted in Walt Disney World in the early 70’s?” The answer was “The Wonderful World of Water Ski.” I had no idea that one ever even existed. Other questions that were challenging were “Name the three Hitchhiking Ghosts” (we got the first two – Gus and Phineas – but forgot Ezra) and “Who provided the synthesized voice in the original Main Street Electrical Parade.” (Jack Wagner, though I couldn’t think of his last name) and “What body of water / river is Disney Springs on?” (I wrote down Sassagoula River / Lake Buena Vista, which were both accepted as correct answers. Researching the answer now that I have Internet, Black Lake was the original name of the lake, and the name Buena Vista Lagoon was also used, but I think the current name for the lake is “Village Lake.”)
I ultimately got 13 of the 20 questions right (they were rather difficult, as you can see) and I beat everyone else in the room by a mile. We were presented an additional set of Mickey medals for our victory. I felt redeemed from the earlier theme park trivia loss. Drew and Courtney were super entertaining while they answered questions, adding sarcastic comments like, “OOH. I know this answer! We’ve got this…”
We started to make our way back to our room after trivia, and saw that a few characters were out and about. We took advantage of those photo opportunities.

After dropping off our medals in our room and getting changed into our full pirate gear (Alicia wore her Captain Hook outfit, and I wore my Tommy Bahama “Pirates of the Caribbean” Hawaiian shirt) Alicia and I left the room at 5:47 PM to head down to the French Quarter bar. We took a picture with Pirate Mickey and Minnie en route:

Once we got there, we deiced to celebrate our trivia victory with the “featured drink of the day” the “Sunken Treasure.” – Malibu Coconut Rum, Midori Melon Liqueur, Blue Curaçao, Pineapple Juice, Orange Juice, and Sprite. This drink really reminded us of Carnival’s “Twilight Zone” drink, both in color and in taste. As we were drinking, a girl of about 10 years old came into the bar with another girl (probably about 8 years old) and asked the bartender for a “Shirley Temple with no alcohol.” I exchanged glances with Alicia in disbelief. Beyond the fact that adding any alcohol to a Shirley Temple defeats the purpose of a Shirley Temple… What were these kids doing in the bar? It appeared that they were ultimately denied service due to their young age.
After we finished our drink, we went around the ship and took some pictures with some of the other pirate characters before returning to our room to have a drink with Drew & Courtney on our balcony. We then departed for dinner at 7 PM, and arrived a little early at the restaurant as 7:09 PM. We were permitted entry into the restaurant.

For dinner, Alicia had “Sri Sumbajee’s Vegetable Samosa” (with Potato, Peas, Garlic, Cumin and Ginger served with Tamarind and Mint Chutney), Deep Fried Calypso Crab Cake (with Cajun Remoulade, Green Onion, and Lemon), Jack’s Treasure-of-the-Seas (Grilled Shrimp and Seared Scallops served with Spinach, Strings of Pasta, Tomato Provençal Sauce and black tomato pearls), Caramel Macadamia Nut Cheesecake Tart (Served with whipped cream and caramel ganache). For dessert, she split the Pirate’s Treasure Sundae (Rum & Raisin Ice Cream, Pineapple, Whipped cream, and Florentine Shard) with me. The bread service said “Johnny Cakes,” but seemed pretty much like standard cornbread to me. Like Alicia, for dinner, I got the Crab Cake, Jack’s Treasure of the Seas, the Caramel Macadamia Nut Cheesecake Tart, but got the Carrot and Cilantro Soup (With Banana Bread Croutons) for my second course. It was a lot of food, but everything was outstanding.

We did manage to figure out the “straw riddle” provided to us by our waiter over dinner tonight. Our waiter laid out straws in the shape of a fish and were told that we’d need to move three straws to change the direction of the fish. I was able to figure this out and turn the fish around.
After dinner, we all hung out as a group and then retired to our rooms for a bit where we were greeted by our new towel animals: a pig and two elephants.

Alicia and I worked a bit on organizing our items to eventually get re-packed. Before 10 PM, we went up to the starboard portion of the 10th deck and secured a good place to watch the “Disney Ever After” fireworks on the deck. When we arrived, we were surrounded by 2 of our 3 groups of “reoccurring villains”–the swing kings were in attendance, as well as Dory and her hench-women. Nuimo-girl was nowhere to be found–perhaps she was scared of loud noises.

Here’s the “finale” from the show, pulled in 24 FPS into an animated GIF:

We enjoyed the fireworks. Alicia recorded video while I took pictures. After fireworks, Alicia and I ran down to the gift shop to do a little more shopping. She had debated purchasing a black Disney Cruise line spirit jersey with gold writing and gold dots towards the bottom of it, but decided to pick one up.
After we were done shopping, we went back up to our room to update the trip journal and watch some Mickey cartoons while I did so. I worked hard on the entries and was getting in bed at 11 PM. As I did, I set my watches & phone back one hour, putting my devices back on Central time (following the instructions of the DCL app.). We went to bed soon afterwards.
Winners of the Day:
- Winning Disney Trivia–finally–with the second round of Theme Park trivia.
- Successful shopping in Cozumel without breaking the bank.
- Finding and purchasing Ivermectin, in case we need it to defeat the Chinese Virus.
- Solving the straw puzzle at dinner for the first time!
Losers of the Day:
- The surprisingly stringent, militant COVID restrictions in Cozumel–not being able to get into businesses without taking your temperature, wearing a mask, sanitizing your hands, etc.
That Drew guy sounds like quite a character. Hot dog hot dog hot diggty dog. Great stories and amazing pictures. Can’t wait to do it again